(C) Ulrike Kase 1

Ein eminent begabter, auf sanfte Weise entschiedener und durchsetzungsfähiger Dirigent.
Jürgen Kesting, Opernwelt

Martin Wettges ist Chordirektor der Norwegischen Nationaloper in Oslo.
Aktuelle Aufführungstermine finden Sie hier: www.operaen.no

am 03.07.2018 in (Thüringen) Foto: Michael Reichel / arifoto.de

A preeminently gifted conductor, in a gentle manner both authoritative and assertive.
Jürgen Kesting, Opernwelt

Martin Wettges is the chorus director of the Norwegian National Opera in Oslo.
Please refer to www.operaen.no for performance dates.

(C) Erik Berg 1

A preeminently gifted conductor, in a gentle manner both authoritative and assertive.
Jürgen Kesting, Opernwelt

Martin Wettges is the chorus director of the Norwegian National Opera in Oslo.
Please refer to www.operaen.no for performance dates.


A preeminently gifted conductor, in a gentle manner both authoritative and assertive.
Jürgen Kesting, Opernwelt

Martin Wettges is the chorus director of the Norwegian National Opera in Oslo.
Please refer to www.operaen.no for performance dates.

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